What are people thinking when they listen to Trump?

I have been asking myself what draws a person to support Trump. After reading this blog, I have some things to say. we’re gonna negotiate the greatest trade deals you’ve ever seen! He does not pursue this further, but it doesn’t matter. Once the emotions are engaged, people would not hear it if he did. […]

Can we hear each other crying?

Disclaimer: Apologies to my African-American friends and colleagues if I have misrepresented your culture in any way and especially for my failure to use politically correct terminology in this post. Please correct me gently in comments if you feel it appropriate. I write this post with deep sadness. This has been a week when I […]

fixing the economy

A friend posted this morning on Facebook that he would like certain [insert racial and political characteristics associated with particular Congressmen] to avoid certain behaviors and start passing legislation that would put people back to work. First, I’m not convinced that any Congressmen fitting his description would be convinced that their moral behavior–or lack thereof–keeps […]