why cutting Social Security Disability Income matters to everyone

Last week, Congress passed legislation that will make changes in how the Social Security program is managed, resulting in as much as a 20 per cent reduction in income for people with disabilities who receive payments through the Social Security Disability Insurance program by the end of 2016. In case you are still thinking the […]

on mentors and long-term unemployment

I had a conversation with a recent college graduate this week about some topics related to employment and blindness. The discussion led me to think about some experiences I had as a young person and what helped me to be encouraged, to believe in myself as a person with potential. It also led me to […]

fixing the economy

A friend posted this morning on Facebook that he would like certain [insert racial and political characteristics associated with particular Congressmen] to avoid certain behaviors and start passing legislation that would put people back to work. First, I’m not convinced that any Congressmen fitting his description would be convinced that their moral behavior–or lack thereof–keeps […]