Disability and Church, Intersection

I hope people who read my site will take time to watch this. The disability community is diverse in many ways and disability intersects with other identities that a person holds. I believe that you will learn a great deal from this webinar, and from others in the series. https://youtu.be/EQ_8KbhRvDQ Disability and Church, Intersection

Why Not a Blind Church?

I was ordained as a member of the clergy two years after graduating with my Master of Divinity degree. Neither ordination nor the M.Div. guarantees placement as a pastor. One thing that has caused me some difficulty, sometimes practical and sometimes otherwise, is the fact that I am blind. I cannot say that churches discriminate […]

Teaching Exegesis Orally Via Distance Learning

I am teaching a live video series on Biblical exegesis for a seminary overseas through a partnership between the Church of God and a church fellowship in the other country. The seminary prepares new pastors to plant churches in their own country and raise their own support. Until now, most of my teaching experience has […]

Ash Wednesday sermon

This is the audio from the Ash Wednesday chapel service at Anderson University School of Theology and Christian Ministry. The two texts are Isaiah 58:6-11 and Ps. 51:9-10, 16-17. I suspect the readers used the Message. I did not specify a translation for them to read from. I mention it here only because in places […]

Remember and Live by Grace

My dear Christian brothers and sisters, I ask that you will read this post and I pray that God will move on your hearts to hear the message here./p> When the Israelites were delivered from slavery, God commanded them concerning their treatment of each other and of aliens living among them. These commands were given […]

Feelings of Belonging in the House of God

Today in my church, a person took time to tap me on the shoulder and say, “Here’s the plate,” when the offering was being taken. I took the plate and passed it to the next person. I happened to not have money in hand today, but I appreciated the opportunity to participate in the passing […]

Thinking About Disability Ministry

I read a post this morning written by a person with a disability concerning the experience of growing up attending a Pentecostal church. The author pointed out that her condition was genetic, and she felt that the consistent focus on healing prayer and frequent questions regarding whether she felt better were evidence that something must […]

What to Do with Dones, Nones, and Church-Skippers

What should we do about “dones,” “nones,” and church-skippers? Should we treat them as wayward souls who should be won back to the church, give them lectures about why their decision is wrong? That is exactly what Carey Nieuwhof has done in a response to Christians who are done with church. Why Attitude Matters Nieuwhof […]

musings on the healing narratives

If a doctor can treat an illness, then why do we need Jesus? Perhaps it is a question worth asking. Is it just a matter of making a statement, of rejecting the world’s system for the Christian one? Or is there really a situation where a miracle can happen? Sometimes, it is both. It is […]

discovering the power of hymns

Throughout my childhood, adolescence, and much of my young adulthood, I spent so much time trying to puzzle out the words while other people worshiped in song that I really did not understand the depth of the music–no time to ponder the theological implications when you are one, two, or even three steps behind and […]

What are we singing?

It has become fashionable to rewrite the words to songs so that they are gender inclusive or otherwise politically correct. Sometimes this has a fairly neutral effect. Sometimes it destroys a song’s theological meaning; and sometimes it is quite powerful. As a songwriter and a minister, and also as a person who is a member […]

sermon preparation strategies

During my fourth semester of seminary, I took a course in homiletics (preaching, for those who are not fond of fancy words). In some seminaries, these courses include a component that requires students to analyze other people’s sermons. Mine did not; but I often found myself listening to other people’s preaching in order to determine […]

communion: a communal worship experience

In a href=”https://amzn.to/3xa29yA” target=”_blank”>Exploring the Worship Spectrum, Sally Morgenthaler makes the statement that “The celebration of the Eucharist is not simply a private participation in God’s saving work through Jesus Christ; it is an intensely horizontal, bonding, communal rite.” (p. 51) My church shares communion at least once a month; and I often ponder the […]

students with disabilities, old wounds, and liberation

I once proposed to a staff person the idea of launching a support group on campus for students with disabilities, to provide a place for them to talk about experiences, share coping strategies, etc. The idea never went anywhere; and she suggested that students didn’t often feel comfortable talking about their disabilities and even seemed […]

sound worship

Sound ministry… I am not talking about ministry based on sound biblical principles, though I certainly think this is important. I am talking about the ministry that occurs through your church’s sound technicians. If you send recordings to people who are homebound, offer them at a nominal cost to people who missed the service, or […]

disability studies and the seminary curriculum

During my seminary years, I read a lot (on my own time) about various topics in disability and theology. Some of my reading concerned the need to address disability issues in the seminary curriculum. I am completely in agreement with this. For a time, I considered pursuing a second Master’s degree in disability studies in […]

seminary and learning styles

In many of my seminary classes, things were presented in charts. Obviously, I needed to find a different way of handling this information; for though I am skilled at handling charts, most charts don’t convert well to braille, and I didn’t have ready access to braille in seminary. I spent a fair amount of time […]

meditation on a piece of choral music

Last week I went back to choir after numerous weeks at home with migraines and respiratory infections. One of the songs we are working on is called, “This Is My Word.” It is a very powerful song based on a passage from Isaiah. A friend, Marshall, is in the choir and is working on sign […]