Testimony, Interrupted

Kevin and I were friends for many years prior to our marriage in 2012. During the last few years he visited me several times in Indiana and went to worship with me at Park Place Church of God. I began uploading recordings of services to our Dropbox account so that he could hear the services during the many weeks when he was not with us, and he came to feel comfortable with the church. When he came back we spent time visiting with some of the people and he developed ongoing friendships. Many of the people remembered him each time, and he came to feel that Park Place was a home for him even though he did not live here yet.

When we began planning our marriage, Kevin decided that he wanted to do something he had never taken the opportunity to do since he had not formed an ongoing relationship with a church in Washington. He wanted to be baptized and share his faith with a supportive community that would help him as he continued to grow in faith.

At Park Place, each person who was being baptized recorded a video with one of the pastors in which the pastor asked some guiding questions to help the person to share their testimony. The video was played on the day of their baptism.

Kevin and I went together for his recording session, which was with the youth and family pastor. We sat on a comfortable couch and Josh faced us. He introduced Kevin and me and mentioned that Kevin was engaged to me. Then the questions began.

First Kevin talked about his feelings about baptism being a public profession of faith. I was a little misty as he talked. It was difficult for him to put these deep theological things in words, and he was sounding much more relaxed than I knew he felt.

Next, Josh asked how he felt about this church. Kevin started to answer, and suddenly fire engines came shrieking past a window that we had no known was open … and didn’t stop.

Kevin and I both jumped. Then we began to laugh hysterically.

“I’m so sorry,” Josh said. “I didn’t think to tell you that window was open! And there is a firemen’s convention happening on the university campus across the street.”

We continued lughing and waited for the fire engine noise to go away. “Shall we try again?” Josh asked. We made a joke about how many questions we might finish.

After we were done, we began to joke about the idea of playing the interrupted testimony in the service. I suggested that we ask permission to do it. In the end, none of the video was usable and Kevin had to give his testimony live while standing in the baptistry. This was perhaps more of a test of his composure than anything. Kevin studied broadcasting while he was in college. Being recorded was comfortable. Being in a pool of water was one of his most uncomfortable experiences.

Our baptistry is below ground, and children often stand above the side to watch their friends’ baptisms. That morning, I stood above the side with both Kevin’s and my dog guides while he gave his testimony and was baptized. It is a moment that we both will always cherish. We remember it on its anniversary. We also remember it every time there is a firemen’s convention.

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