update on move progress

I have not kept good progress notes on the wedding/move process. I guess some things take a bit of a back seat when your life goes to boxing, etc. So here is a quite long overdue update for our family and friends.

Kevin and I cleaned and boxed, boxed and cleaned. There were some things we could do on our own–we could not move his furniture out. That required outside help. There are a lot of things we learned that we will do differently in the future. We needed outside help with my house as well–my parents helped as much as they could; but we ended up hiring a local moving company for the bulk of the work.

We have found it very important to take time each day for self-care and care of our relationship. We have coffee together and cook together often. We don’t cook every day… We do a lot of bulk cooking so that we have our own frozen foods and we aren’t overwhelmed every day with the task of cleaning up another huge mess we have made by cooking a big dinner. This is especially important while we are also dealing with the mess created by boxes being packed and unpacked with me in transition between two places. We have tried out the gas stove in the new house, and we have found that people who keep telling us how wonderful food tastes when cooked on gas stoves are correct. We are quite addicted now.

My parents have been tremendously helpful throughout my move process. Since neither Kevin nor I drive, moving my belongings requires numerous trips back and forth, lifting of boxes and crates which are quite heavy, etc. This has not been an easy task for them. A friend said recently on Facebook that moving is exercise. She is not kidding. People keep saying that they think I am losing weight. I am not losing weight, but I think I am probably losing mass. My clothes are bigger, and I am burning calories–I am also in need of more calories, and I am very hungry.

Moving is also an exercise in communication. My brain is taxed as I try to remember where things are, remember what still needs to be done, remember what I didn’t change yet, manage my emotions so that I don’t yell at people over silly things, remember to take care of my own physical needs, remember whether I fed the animals yet… It is good practice for things that are to come… Nothing like a good stressful event to get us going in the right direction.

We are both feeling very disoriented because our lives are in boxes at the moment. The wedding is on June 9, and we will be glad when all the moving and wedding festivities are finished and we feel at home. We will certainly enjoy the wedding. On the other hand, right now we are simply tired and in need of the spaces and routines of home.

About Sarah Blake LaRose

Sarah Blake LaRose teaches Biblical Hebrew and Greek at Anderson University School of Theology and Christian Ministry in Anderson, Indiana. She is one of three blind academic scholars who received the Jacob Bolotin Award from the National Federation of the Blind in 2016 in recognition of innovative work in the field of access to biblical language texts and tools for people who are blind. In addition to her work as a professor, she provides braille transcription services specializing in ancient languages. Her research interests concern the intersection of disability, poverty, and biblical studies.

About Sarah Blake LaRose

Sarah Blake LaRose teaches Biblical Hebrew and Greek at Anderson University School of Theology and Christian Ministry in Anderson, Indiana. She is one of three blind academic scholars who received the Jacob Bolotin Award from the National Federation of the Blind in 2016 in recognition of innovative work in the field of access to biblical language texts and tools for people who are blind. In addition to her work as a professor, she provides braille transcription services specializing in ancient languages. Her research interests concern the intersection of disability, poverty, and biblical studies.

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